Community Design Workshop
May 25th , 2024
‘Ya̱lis (Cormorant Island), BC
Atmospheric Perspective Architecture and Connect Landscape Architecture
Project Goal
Create a ʼNa̱mǥis-centered tourism experience while prioritizing employment and training opportunities for ʼNa̱mǥis members and increase avenues of own-source revenue.
Guiding Principles
a’axsila xan’s a’winakole:
Stewardship of the Land
Self Reliance
Centre ʼNa̱mǥis Culture and Language
Acknowledge the past & Embrace the future
‘Namǥis Presence
Promise to the Nation:
NBDC will invite community partners to contribute ideas and thoughts around the future look and feel of the Cabins property;
NBDC and the design team will work to create a project vision informed by input and feedback from the nation;
NBDC intends to follow up with further public consultation as part of the future project design and construction process.
What we Learned:
Messaging to convey
to visitors:
Guests Never Leave Hungry
ʼNa̱mg̱is world class hospitality
Experience of culture and art
Stewardship and strong relationship to the Land
What Values should the Cabins project embody?
Making First Nation’s Ownership Evident
Integrate Kwak̓wala Language and culture into the aesthetics of the cabins
Connection to Nature
Inviting and Welcoming
Insights and A-ha Moments
Through the community design workshop on May 25th and our research of past ʼNa̱mg̱is planning and engagement exercises, a number of insights emerged:
The Cabins are a great way to support community planning done by NFN
The possibility to upgrade the Trail Network could be an incredible community asset
An opportunity to access the limited or largely inaccessible beach would be welcome
There are many ideas of how to improve site amenities to support longer visits
There is a great opportunity for connection to broader ‘Ya̱lis Island Tourism
Views of the Salish Sea from the grounds are breathtaking